Medical Imaging Informatics & AI Faculty


Duygu Tosun-Turgut, PhD 
Associate Professor

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Researchers and Postdoctoral Researchers


Alison Myoraku
Staff Research Associate II

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MS in Biomedical Imaging, UC San Francisco

Alison’s work spans depression, Alzheimer's disease, and traumatic brain injury. She has worked on various steps of image processing, data harmonization, and the utilization of longitudinal imaging data (PET and MRI) to model regional changes in volume, amyloid deposition, and other characteristics throughout the disease course.


Marta Mila Aloma

Marta Milà Alomà
Postdoctoral Researcher

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PhD in Biomedicine (Neuroscience), Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain

Marta is currently working on elucidating the performance of blood biomarkers in detecting AD pathology and predicting disease progression to optimize their use in clinical trials. Her special interest is studying sex differences in AD biomarkers and the impact of risk factors on neurodegeneration and cognitive decline. She has active collaborations with several groups as well as contributing to an international non-profit organization, “The Women’s Brain Project.” 




Imaging Team

Stephanie Rossi

Stephanie Rossi  
Imaging Core Supervisor

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BA in Psychology and Biology with a specialization in Neurobiology, Boston University

Stephanie manages the Imaging Team and also oversees grants and multi-site clinical trials at the VA Advanced Imaging Research Center (VAARC), including, but not limited to, Dementia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Epilepsy, Traumatic Brain Injury, Depression, Parkinson's Disease, and the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Additionally, she leads the High Field Center as head MR Tech assisting with the direction, supervision, and management of SFVAMC/VAARC 3T and 7T MRI research.


Mark Choe

Mark Choe  
Staff Research Associate II

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BS in Machine Learning and Neural Computation, UC San Diegoody

Mark helps acquire, manage, process, and analyze imaging data for projects concerning Alzheimer's disease, adult trauma, and lower back pain. Beyond data, he generates billing reports, handles MRI logistics, and develops team protocols.

Mariam Ali

Mariam Ali  
Staff Research Associate II

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BA, Cognitive Science (computational) and minor in Arabic, UC Davis

Mariam performs MRI data acquisition on research (7T) and clinical (3T) scanners for neuro-degenerative disease projects, including Alzheimer’s, TBI, epilepsy, and MS. She processes and manages large data using different pipelines, assists in developing studies and scans protocols, and trains new staff handling certification on MRI safety.



Statistics/Biostatistics Team

Zack Hausle

Zack Hausle 
Biostatistician (Clinical Research)

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MS in Biostatistics, University of Michigan

Zack’s current work includes research into biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease in ADNI, as well as statistical education and support for other members of the lab



Information Technology/Scientific Programming


Derek Flenniken  
IT Director for VAARC/Programmer Analyst IV

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Daniel Cuneo 
Programmer/Analyst III

Eliana Phillips

Eliana Phillips
Programmer/Analyst I

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MS in Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics, UC Santa Cruz

Eliana is developing pipelines for neuroimaging data processing and analysis with the aim of studying biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease. 



Graduate Students

Clara Sorensen

Clara Sorensen 
PhD candidate in BioEngineering, UC Berkeley/UC San Francisco

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Clara’s research is focused on using artificial intelligence for the discovery and validation of multi-modal biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases, specifically Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease. Some of her projects use partial least squares regression to understand the extent to which fluid biomarkers (plasma and CSF) are driven by biological changes captured by multimodal imaging. She’s also working on building computational biomarkers using graph neural networks to both predict the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease and to predict protein accumulation from multimodal image-based (structural MRI, diffusion MRI, and PET) graphs.


Serena Tang

Serena Tang 
PhD candidate in BioEngineering, UC Berkeley/UC San Francisco   

Serena is interested in sleep as it affects brain glymphatic clearance mechanisms and potential correlations with Alzheimer's disease. She is currently working on perivascular space segmentation in combination with analysis of cerebral blood flow as one way to quantify these relationships.

Brendan Mitchell

Brendan Mitchell
PhD candidate in BioEngineering, UC Berkeley/UC San Francisco | 

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Brendan's research is focused on better understanding the progression of Alzheimer's disease pathology, aiming to inform and guide clinical decision-making. By integrating multi-omics and imaging data from the ADNI, he seeks to elucidate changes in clinically relevant biomarkers to yield new insigghts into the transition from healthy aging to the progression of the disease.




Project Manager/Scientific Writer

Pamela Zobel-Thropp 
PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, UC Los Angeles

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Pam manages Dr Tosun-Turgut's team who works on large, international scientific initiatives and collaborative projects focusing on Alzheimer’s Disease and Aging. She ensures that these integrative projects are moving forward and helps with manuscript and grant preparation.


Alumni/Past Members


Ryan Ellis 
Ryan worked as a Staff Research Associate on neural networks for neuroimaging and developed image processing pipelines.

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Machine Learning Engineer, EDO, Inc



Dhaval Kadia 
Dhaval worked as a Staff Research Associate on neuroimaging projects to research and develop new machine learning methods for image processing and standardized analysis of neurodegenerative diseases utilizing imaging data on a large clinical trial study.

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Machine Learning Engineer, VoxelCloud


Anna Hwang 
Anna worked as a Research Data Analyst managing clinical research projects, performing neuropsychiatric assessments, and processing/analyzing large participant datasets.

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User Research Operations Specialist, Course Hero



Adam Lang 
Adam worked as a Staff Research Associate II on image processing and AI approach to study neurodegenerative diseases.

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Software Engineer, Codesmith

Jiaxiuxiu Zhang
Staff Research Associate I

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MS in Biomedical Imaging, UC San Francisco

Xiuxiu has used fMRI BOLD contrast to decode pain perception and anticipation using imaging biomarkers from patients with chronic low back pain. She is currently working on a project using fMRI data to analyze fluid dynamics of CSF clearance in the brain.

Pallavi Rane
Staff Research Associate I

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PhD in Biomedical Engineering, WPI, Worcester, Massachusetts

Pallavi’s background is in pre-clinical and clinical research using MRI in psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. Currently, her work includes looking at the effects of APOE genotype and sex on the progression of imaging and clinical biomarkers and studying correlations between imaging biomarkers and clinical measures in Alzheimer's disease. 

Tamar Schaap 

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MS in Behavioral Science, Radboud University, Netherlands; MS in Artificial Intelligence, Utrecht University, Netherlands

Tamar is a research-oriented statistician with a background in data analytics and machine learning. Her previous work included creating machine learning models to predict psychological and biological outcomes using data from wearables. In our lab, Tamar worked on applying a new harmonization method to data coming from MR Imaging in order to adjust for variations that may result from scanner differences. She is currently in a Data Science PhD program at UCSD.